Status Flo Vs Status Quo

In my deepest of sleep, I was awoken to the awareness of two words that have the capacity to change the course of my life. These words arose from a deep well of wisdom surfacing at a time when I most could take heed… my sleep! When I am surrendered and most uninterrupted by the chatter of the mind.

The two words: Status Flo kept surfacing to my conscious awareness like a neon sign, something important for me to notice and pay attention to.…they were juxtaposed with two other words: Status Quo. The repeating mantra “Status Flo Vs Status Quo” kept surfacing and repeating, like a chant from my subconscious, a message from behind the scenes.

What can this mean? As usual meditation and contemplation bought light to the matter. I also looked up the dictionary meaning of Status Quo:

according to Merriam Webster: the current situation : the way things are now ie: She wants to maintain the status quo. [=to keep the situation as it is now.

Life running on a tight schedule, on a regular routine or rhythm with little wiggle room, can keep us from the Status Flo and keep us stuck in the Status Quo, in the “way things are, as it is now” momentum as the mainstay of our daily life. It is healthy to have a stable and steady way of living but If we get too fixated in the “way that it is” we could stifle the flow of opportunity of living energy that surrounds us at all times. As a result, we can end up feeling boxed up, walled or hemmed in, using our stores of resilience and reserve of energy to keep on keeping on. It would not harm us to invite a more fluent feminine balance to the rigid and mechanical way of life.

Status Flo invites more creative input into our daily life, that can inspire more opportunity of ease and grace. More of a connection to the greater world that lies outside the boxes and walls of rigidity, to a world that is inviting us to experience more in our life, through more spontaneity, more acceptance and more forgiveness.

Status Flo also invites us to physically move through our day with more finesse as we move from one thing to the next, in an unhurried and calm way. To feel how you move from one thing to the next, to give space and time between one activity to the next. To breathe between the momentum of the day. To notice the beauty and magic that surrounds us, a fluttering leaf, or to listen to the message of the wind?

Status Flo, asks us to mentally stay open to new ideas, to stretch the parameters of the boxes we can be hemmed within, to see outside the box, with the allowance for more opportunities to see things differently.

Emotionally, it invites us to release and express our feelings as they arise, letting them flow in the river of life, rather than boxing them in, hidden from the world around us. Giving you the time to ‘feel into’ a situation, does this really feel right for me? Rather than falling into habitual responses.

Spiritually, it widens our lens to experience the interconnectedness of all things, to know that we are not indeed isolated and separated from the greater whole, but rather we are in flow with the greater design of our life.

Status Flo: How is your state of Flow? Life itself is curvaceous, it moves in cycles, day moves into night and night back into day with consideration ease and flow, the ocean waves roll from one to the next, like our inhale and the exhale, the cycles, patterns and rhythms of the planets are in a celestial dance with each other. We are not separate from the ebbs and flows of life, instead, we are part of the cycle, part of the current stream that continues to expand and grow. As we move from one thing to the next with the awareness and practice of Status Flo, we may just experience more ease, more grace and more expansion in our daily hectic life.

Perhaps this was a transmission, something for me to decode and decipher alone? Something deeper tells me tells me that we could all benefit from this now.

I hope you enjoy my latest blog 'Status Flo Vs Status Quo', I love writing and sharing what I receive from the within place with you all.

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