The Phoenix is a bird of legend, of power, of alchemy, renewal and resurrection that dies by bursting into flames and is reborn from its ashes. It holds the key to alchemy by transmuting death to rebirth, where the end is only the beginning. To Rise like a Phoenix from the ashes, means to emerge from a catastrophe/adversity stronger, smarter and more powerful with a new sense of unleashed power.

We too can adopt the mythos of the Phoenix bird and harness our power to resurrect beyond our limitations and challenging circumstances. To die to the old to make way for the new; to let go of old habits, of harmful thoughts, limiting beliefs and old patterns that no longer serve us.

We can unleash them as we express and release the anger, the rage, the exasperation and frustrations of repetitive patterns, of those burning emotions that eat away at us.  

WARNING: Repressing your emotions and feelings can cause dis-ease in the body!

How do we do this effectively without hurting ourselves or others?

We can channel this raw fiery energy in a respectful, effective and appropriate way by dancing it out, running it out, take up boxing, kickboxing, skipping, breath work, chopping wood, building a house, there are even places you can go called Rage Rooms where you can ‘thrash it out’ by smashing plates, crockery and glass wear!  The expression of this kind of energy needs to match the power of the emotion you are feeling, in other words it won’t work so well to circumvent your anger, your passion, your fire within by smiling it away, affirming it away or by spiritually bypassing it. We need to accept these feelings and honor them by giving them a voice, by expressing them in a safe container and in a conscious healing manner.

Many of the Lightworkers that came in to bring light into the darkness, bring consciousness into unconsciousness, to bring love into realms of fear, did not have the space in their childhood to feel safe to express anger or to exercise their boundaries and say NO!

Fortunately the ‘terrible 2’s’ had their tantrums as they gathered up all their pent up frustration, tensed up and held their breath to then let it all out in one long scream. Others like myself were not allowed to express this kind of emotion, the focus was on healing the parents to hold it together, to bring harmony and peace in an otherwise environment of chaos. 

Once expressed and released, we feel a new surge of energy that was otherwise trapped in the body, and we can then utilize this raw pure energy by channelling it into a new project, a new direction, a new and fresh outlook. Fueling our flight out of the ashes, out of the quagmires to take you to higher ground just like the Phoenix demonstrates.

How can we rise out of our own ashes?

When we crash and burn, let yourself feel the death of the old, the surrender of letting go. It is important to honor the passage of sadness, of momentary defeat, of hopelessness, but we don’t stay there, lest we fall into the ‘victim energy’ and end up remaining in the ashes longer than we need to. The ashes are the evidence of old waste, the dead leaves from our trees, that which no longer serves our growth. They are the emotions that get converted and transformed into the very fuel and fertilizer that gives us the energy to surge out of the pain, confusion, depression, shock, out of the stifling and limiting ways, in order to forge a new clear path in our body, our mind and our lives. 

We are firstly creatures of the Earth and must embrace and release our base primal emotions such as anger, insecurity, competition. This allows the kundalini, the dragon energy to rise up and out of your lower base chakras where the ashes of your fears, insecurities and animal emotions are often repressed. By expressing them appropriately we release this emotional energy into the higher chakras. Where they can be repurposed for higher ways of thinking and seeing more clearly into the higher state of our human beingness. The Phoenix within rises into the heights to be reborn anew.

How do you bypass your base feelings? 

How does this inhibit or prevent new outcomes in your life?

In which way can you express these pent up feelings to let your inner dragon raise to new heights?

Contact Amalia on 1-800-393-2037 to assist you in unleashing the stuck energies that can impede your flow to clear the pathways in your life! 

On line and video sessions available.

Amalia Camateros

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